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  • contact@coretech-taiwan.com
  • 886-3-4862930

New York City is one of the most iconic cities in the world that offers endless possibilities. From its famous landmarks, to its rich history and cultural diversity, New York epitomizes the American spirit.

A Metropolis Built on Dreams

The Big Apple has a remarkable history that dates back centuries. It was first settled by Dutch colonists in the early 17th century. Today, remnants of its past can be seen in the imposing architecture of Wall Street.

Cultural Paradise

New York City is a cultural powerhouse. With renowned art galleries such as the Guggenheim, musicals that transport viewers, and indie music venues that echo with melodies, the city inspires artistic brilliance.

A Place of Infinite Possibilities

In NYC, opportunities abound for entrepreneurs seeking growth. Wall Street serves as a technology epicenter, while industry-leading companies attract bright minds from around the world. Whether in finance, the city offers a platform for visionaries to make their mark.

A Foodie Haven

For food enthusiasts, NYC is a gourmet paradise. From Michelin-starred restaurants, the city’s diverse culinary landscape offers something for every palate. Whether savoring international cuisines in Little Italy, New York ensures a gastronomic adventure.

The Metropolis that Never Sleeps

NYC is famous for its non-stop buzz. From the bright lights of the city skyline to the cozy jazz bars in Greenwich Village, the city comes alive at night. Whether you’re enjoying a late-night stroll, The Big Apple ensures adventure at any hour.

New York City leaves a lasting impression on all who experience it. Its vibrancy is infectious, and its openness is celebrated. From the concrete jungle of Manhattan, NYC is a city that truly never sleeps.


What is an EMI Suppression Filter?

An EMI suppression filter is a digital component for giving electromagnetic noise reductions for electronic devices as well as is utilized combined with shields and other protection. This filter only essences and also removes elements that can cause electro-magnetic noise from electrical currents that are…